Media Content Analysis

Media Content Analysis reports include the following:

Facets of Coverage

Share of Voice: The share of voice reflects the number of articles with mentions of the company/subject/entity/person. It is presented in percentage form, relative to other competing mentions.

Coverage Size: The coverage size reflects the physical size of clippings. E.g. newspaper clippings are measured in column centimeters (Cc) whereas magazine clippings are measured in pages. This is to reflect how placing an advertisement is calculated.

Impressions: The impressions reflect the exposure a mention potentially achieved. The figure is based on the circulation of publications and the number of clippings tracked.

Ad Values: AVE’s Prominence (tonality, visuals, location of mention), RAVE (Advertising Value Equivalent –
formula used to weigh the AVE with the prominence level of mention).


Language: The breakdown of coverage by language.

Genre: The breakdown of coverage by publication genre (e.g. Business, Lifestyle..)

Media Type: The breakdown of coverage by media type (newspaper, magazine, online, etc.)

Article Type: The breakdown of coverage by article type (e.g. press release, feature, review, etc.)

Content Analysis

The messages found in the tracked coverage is analyzed and messages of relevance are extracted, categorized and tallied for all mentions.

Message Types:
Messages are broken down for each mention as Manifest (direct mention) or Latent (indirect or side mention).

PR Influence:

Reflects the breakdown of coverage of each tracked subject/entity/person by coverage resultant from press releases and other coverage.

Reputation Drivers:
Reflects the breakdown of the coverage by positive drivers (leaves the audience with a positive impression of the mention), negative drivers (leaves the audience with a negative impression) and no drivers (has no impact on the audience’s perception of the mention).

Additional Research

Optionally, we can conduct cross-researches into outtakes and outcomes of  your communication, correlating the impact on stakeholders and results of media coverage.

For example, a survey is conducted in the relevant markets to assess how the intended the messages were received by the publics. Survey results are then put in contrast with coverage performance.


An evaluation of all the variables is conducted in order to present recommendations.